How pellet stoves work ?

pellet stoves: how they work

"A pellet stove is a space heating device that burns small pieces of solid fuel known as pellets. Wood pellet stoves, which are the commonest type, burn wood pellets made mostly of wood sawdust that has been compacted under high pressure. An economical alternative may be a corn pellet stove if you happen to live where corn pellets are cheap and readily available. There are also multi-fuel pellet stoves capable of burning a lot of different biomass fuels.

Pellet stoves are somewhat more efficient, cleaner burning, and easier to use than conventional wood burning appliances (see wood stove). However, be aware that the environmental advantages of pellet stoves over wood stoves have been largely eroded since the introduction of clean-burning EPA-approved wood stoves in the early 1990s. Take into account, too, that they are signficantly more expensive to run. The cost of wood pellets has risen significantly over the past few years and will always be much higher in general than that of ordinary fuel wood. Also the number of pellet stoves sold since 2005 has led to regional shortages of pellets."Think of a wood pellet stove as being like a normal wood stove but with lots of tiny logs, all the same size and consistency, that are automatically fed into the stove and burned efficiently at the same high temperature. Learn more about how pellet stoves work.

Unlike wood stoves, pellet stoves rely on convective, rather than radiant, heat. This means that they don't get too hot to touch – an important consideration for families with small children. Find out more about pellet stove pros and cons.

Pellet stoves come in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and finishes. All are equipped with a hopper, which may hold from about 40 to over 100 pounds of pellet fuel. Glass windows, giving a good view of the fire, also come as standard. Find out more about choosing and buying a pellet stove.


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